3 Reasons Why Developing Cloud-Native Applications is Worth the Time and Money

By 27th March 2017Technoloy

by Anubhav Dwivedi

Globally, more than 65% of enterprises have started building their Applications Strategy and Roadmap on Cloud platforms. This percentage is expected to double by 2020. Cloud platforms, like Azure, are redefining the way enterprises scale their businesses. Tech-savvy enterprises are deploying game-changing technology solutions, and cloud-native applications are helping them stay ahead of the competition. Here are some of the major reasons why developing cloud-native applications is advantageous:

1. Auto-provisioning: Manage Resources automatically
Unlike the traditional applications where the resources are physically provided, Cloud-native applications enable automatic provision of resources. They facilitate on-demand, self-service, programmatic provisioning, and releasing of resources used for compute & storage services. This enables the business-critical applications to run smoothly with on-demand allocation of resources directly from the application. These applications can automatically handle the task of data analytics, and bring back the resources to the pool after executing the task.

2. Auto-scalability: Handle Continuous Business Needs automatically
Cloud-native applications are enabled with auto-scale feature to handle continuous business needs. This feature enables enterprises to deal with complex up-down process needs with the pay-as-you-go model. The enterprises are required to pay only for the computing resources used, and only for the time frame they are used. Consequently, this results in saving of thousands of dollars every year and enterprises can also expand their application life cycle.

2. Auto redundancy: Minimize Failure Risks automatically
The cloud-native applications are inherently resilient to failures. They automatically handle the outages and enable corrective actions. In the event of failure, application processing instantly moves from one data center to another without interrupting the service. This is executed so swiftly that the end user doesn’t even know that there was an outage. In case of the occurrence of a partial outage in one data center, the cloud-based applications will still continue running seamlessly.